
    Plastic Industry
  • Instruments for Plastic Color Measurement

  • Plastic can be used for many industries such as furniture, home appliances, printing products, building material, etc. Because of the widely applications, the color quality control of plastic because more and more essential.
    For non-transparent plastic sheet, we could use colorimeter :CS-10, CS-200,CS-210,CS-220 and CS-260 (because of the limit in testing accuracy, colorimeters only suitable to get the color difference value)
    Spectro colorimeter:CS-280, CS-286, CS-288
    Portable Spectrophotometer: CS-580,CS-600,CS-610;CS-650;CS-660
    Benchtop Spectrophotometer:CS-800, CS-801,CS-820
    For Semi-transparent or transparent plastic sheet,we could use benchtop spectrophotometer CS-810 and CS-820.

    Arc or Ring Plastic
    Considering the shape, the instrument that we could use as follows:
    Spectro colorimeter:CS-280, CS-286, CS-288
    Portable Spectrophotometer: CS-580,CS-600,CS-610;CS-650;CS-660
    colorimeter :CS-10, CS-200,CS-210,CS-220 and CS-260.
    If the diameter is small, we could use instrument with testing caliber 4mm.

    Plastic Packing Material
    Plastic packing color measurement can use our portable instrument. Normally, the testing accuracy for this industry is high, so spectro colorimeter or spectrophotometer are recommended.

    Color Master Batches
    Master batches are the plastic colorant. It is in pellet shape, we will need glass cell for color measurement. We would recommend benchtop spectrophotometer CS-820, CS-801 and CS-800.

    Any questions for plastic color measurement, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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