
    Paint Industry
  • Colorimeter for Electroplating Products Color Quality Control

  • Electroplating is a process that uses electric current to reduce dissolved metal cations so that they form a thin coherent metal coating on an electrode. The term is also used for electrical oxidation of anions onto a solid substrate to improve the material performance for abrasion resistance, electrical conductivity, reflective, corrosion resistance (copper sulfate),etc. Some coins’ surface is also electroplating. Because it is difficult to control the electroplating on same condition, the color difference problem is coming out.

    Our customer only wants to get the color difference value between his samples of different batches. So we recommend our precise colorimeter CS-210 to him. CS-210 is with camera to see the measurement area which makes measurement much easier.
    After calibration, put the instrument on one sample, press test for color measurement. And then check the color difference between two samples of different batches.

    The tolerance could be set according to your industry requirement.
    Tolerance value setting

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